Thursday, November 29, 2012

Just Call Me Sleepy the Dwarf

I can’t seem to put two thoughts together this week, hence the almost complete lack of posts. Every time I try and think of a subject to talk about, my brain goes on scatter mode and refuses to stay on one thought for more than 7 seconds which makes it pretty hard to write about something without it sounding like this:

“I really need to think about the testimony I have to give for the kids tomorrow. What can I possibly have to talk about that they’d be interested in? Why do my eyes hurt so much? I’ve gotten 10 hours of sleep every night this week so there’s no way I can be tired. Is there such a thing as too much sleep? I really need to call H back but there’s no signal in my house. Why do we pay so much for our phones if we can’t even talk at home? I can hear Tubby snoring over the sound of the TV…she might want to get that checked out. Would a vet even do anything for a snoring animal? Wait, does anyone actually take their pet to the vet for that? I need to clean out that bowl from my pomegranates. How am I tired at 10:28…? I wonder if I could get out of sharing some sort of personal story at the retreat tomorrow. I really don’t like talking in front of groups. This Spongebob voice doesn’t sound like the normal one. What the heck am I going to write about?”

I’m sure you can guess why I wanted to spare you from that utter chaos. And since every problem needs to be blamed on something, I’ve chosen to attribute this particular conundrum to excess sleep. Last time I checked, I'm not an infant working on tripling my height and weight every few months, so my job shouldn't consist of alternating between sleeping and eating day in and day out, as much as I think I'd enjoy (and excel at!) that lifestyle. So why is it that all I want to do is sleep? I’m a little ashamed to say that I’ve been hopping into bed around 8 9 each night and catching some zzz’s until 7:24. Some days I’ve even napped… :/ I don’t feeeeeel sick, but this just doesn’t seem normal. Yesterday I finally made an effort to beat my 6th grade bedtime by a full 2 hours and my eyes mutinied. They’ve been threatening to pop out of their sockets if I force them to stay open much longer. I can’t even blame the sleepiness on over-exerting myself throughout the day. If anything, I’m under-exerting myself. Maybe my body is just in Snorlax mode due to my embarrassingly long exercise fast. I don’t know what it is, but I just thought I owed you all an explanation for my absence. Fortunately none of you have disappointed so I’ve been able to get my blog fix by commenting on your lovely thoughts :) I’ll try and do better next week.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

bahahaha oh friend, I love your thought processes :) and for the record, I got home from work at 6 and told KJ "ugh..I'm going to bed early...dang it, it's not even 7:00" so I totes get you :)

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