This is what's playing in my head right now. And now it's playing in yours :) So Happy Friday! Now for some quick takes a la me via Jen.
1. It feels a little odd to be up this early and not be participating in Black Friday. It's not for lack of trying. As much as I love being herded through stores like cattle, something about the fine print in the ads was holding me back. Perhaps it was the "only one in stock" asterisk. Or the "must get here between 2 and 3 am and be willing to stand on one foot while singing the ABCs backward" side note. Okay, maybe I'm making that one up, but I honestly couldn't find anything that I really needed for myself or others in any of the ads. I guess I just don't have the deal-finding bug in me.
2. My grandma, the typical Thanksgiving host, decided to haul off to Branson this year with one of my aunts and cousins, which meant the rest of us had to fend for ourselves or find alternate plans. Less than half the family ended up getting together as a result, so it just didn't feel the same as it usually does.
3. It can be a little uncomfortable being the only practicing Catholic in my family...especially when the topic of conversation turns to pro-life issues and Obamacare and no one else believes that life begins at conception. I just wish they would be more open to understanding the importance of protecting children in the womb, but it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall anytime I voice my beliefs. St. Monica, pray for us!
4. I love kids, and they typically love me, too. I don't remember the last time I met a baby/toddler/grade schooler who didn't eventually warm up to me. Well, I've finally met my match. There was a little 2.5 year old at my uncle's house for Thanksgiving and I instantly wanted to be best friends with her. She was the cutest little thing! Plus she had a turkey bow in her hair. Adorable. My first attempt at wooing her involved smiling as I entered the room she was in. She immediately ran away so she could find her mom. Then she buried her face in her mother's shoulder. Okay fine, maybe she doesn't like to be smiled at. So the next time, I just casually walked into the living room to take a seat on the couch. As soon as she saw me, she ran into her mom's arm and stared at me while clutching her mom. Strike two. This continued to happen for the rest of the night. It didn't matter whether I was looking at her or not; she refused to be in the same room as me. I eventually developed quite the complex and gave up on us ever being cordial, let alone besties. It was a sad, sad day in the kid department :(
5. I don't know what it is about our family get togethers, but there is ALWAYS way too much food. Now I have nothing against leftovers, especially since it means I won't have to eat crackers and cheese for lunch the next day, but when I can't even eat dinner because I'm stuffed from all the appetizers that have been put out throughout the day, I think we have a problem.
6. Did anyone else catch that Jets v. Patriots game? 3 touchdowns in 50-something seconds?? Seriously!? That was quite the way to end a whole day's worth of football watching, especially since I watched more games today than I have the past 3 years combined I think.
7. I'm headed to my first Vegan Thanksgiving this afternoon. I have no idea what to expect, but I'll be spending time with an amazing friend so I'm excited! I'm sure I'll never have eaten any of the dishes before, so my highly unrefined palate will be in for quite the surprise. I'll be sure to let you know if I discover anything extra yummy :)
And there you have it. Seven points that all revolve around things that happened in a 24-hour period. Guess that's what happens when family comes around. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and survived any shopping you may have taken part in! Head on over to Jen's for more fun :)
I know how you feel about being the only practicing Catholic in your fam. It's hard. Thankfully on my dad's side they are uber conservative (sometimes I think that should just be Catholic, but alas... no way!), but my mom, not so much. It's hard. And, sad. With my dad's fam, they think I am just crazy for being all "churchy" and stuff, but with the fundamental things we are pretty much in line.
It's never been so apparent the differences with my Mom than this past election. Really, we just didn't talk about it. We are both sensitive and emotional and I think we both don't want to hurt each other's feelings. But, she is my mom, my best friend and I love her. It's just the way it is.
We can only continue to pray for the conversions of our families! And by living and trying to speak the Truth, they will eventually follow. Maybe we get some sort of graces for this? haha. Maybe not...
Hahah I'd like to think we get some graces for it! It's gotta be helping us grow and making us stronger at the very least.
I definitely know about the whole "you're just crazy for being all churchy" view. It's such a shame that our desire to grow closer to Jesus is viewed that way. But hey, we know we're doing the right thing and we're on the right track, and it's such a relief knowing there are others who DON'T think we're crazy :) Solidarity!
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