Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Does anyone else do this?

I've decided to take a break from all my deep thoughts about friendship for a day. Please hold your applause until the end. So today I'm going to mix it up and tell you about some of the weird stuff I find myself doing. Hopefully I'm not the only one ;)

1. I put my pants on the same way every.single.time--left leg first. I tried to do it right leg first one time and almost fell over.

2. Sometimes after reading a friend's Facebook status, I post something on their wall about it instead of commenting on the actual status because I don't want to get 138 notifications from all the people who will eventually find the gem of a status.

3. I get reeeeaaally excited when I see that little red 1 at the top of the page when I first pull up Facebook. However, my joy quickly turns to rage when I find out that it's a farmville request.

4. I feel like I'm tempting fate every time I eat spaghetti while wearing any color shirt that's not red or black.

5. I live on a dead end street in the middle of nowhere, but for some reason I still find myself putting my turn signal on when approaching my driveway. Safety first, right?

6. Our garage is like 5 steps away from our house, but I'd rather stagger under the weight of two fully loaded grocery-bag-filled arms (and end up with a bag of chip crumbs) than take more than one trip from car to house.

7. I can never seem to leave a normal voicemail where I don't sound like a 12 year old boy going through puberty struggling to ask a girl out, so I've stopped leaving them and just assume the recipients of my calls will see they missed it and call me back.

8. There's a field behind my house that we use as our personal compost pile. I hope the farmer doesn't mind the old orange peels and moldy cottage cheese.

9. I've decided it's okay to go to movies by myself.

10. I put my seatbelt on before I start the car because I don't like the dinging noise reminding me to put it on.

11. Upon finding a new blog to read, I can't decide if I should go back and read all her past posts or just start reading from the point I found it. I mean, if she's been blogging for 5 years, how will I ever catch up on every post??

12. I feel like I know more about what's going on in the lives of the women whose blogs I follow than I do with my own friends in some cases. Something doesn't seem quite right here.

13. I always get too invested in TV shows and books, so it amazes me when people tell me they don't like one or the other. What do those people do for entertainment? Talk to actual people?? That's just preposterous.

Welp, that's probably enough for one day. I'm off to finish watching Hocus Pocus :)


Megan L. said...

I do numbers 1, 2, 4 and 13. Probably some of the others too! Great post! I really enjoyed this!

Jordan said...

Hahaha thanks, Megan! Spaghetti got the best of my white cardigan last night... Honestly, what did I think was going to happen? There are just some things we shouldn't do!

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