Monday, October 1, 2012

We don't have the time or we won't make the time?

How many times have we heard the phrase "I don't have time for that"? Or better yet, how many times have we said it ourselves? Heck, I've probably uttered it three times today, and if anyone has time to do things, it's this girl. I couldn't have more time if I tried. So why is it that the only things I've accomplished today are watching more hours of ER than I care to admit, doing a few sit-ups, and attending a Bible study? Well, I can think of a few reasons excuses.

1. I don't have anything that I need to do. I'm "between jobs" (aka my internship doesn't start for a few more months and I can't fathom working at a department store during the pre-holiday craziness). Does this scene frighten anyone else?? Though I would like to know what they were fighting over...

2. I'm having a hard time making friends. This has never been that hard for me to do in the past, mostly because I've always been surrounded by 20+ (or in some cases 40,000+) people my own age. I definitely took school for granted in that sense. But how do college graduates make friends, more specifically college graduates who aren't working?? Where do you go? Where do all the cool kids hang out?

3. I haven't taken the time to come up with any alternatives. Obviously, there are other things I could be doing. But what? And why don't I just sit down to write a list? Oh right, because that would require thinking aaaaand it would take away from TV time. So many problems, so little time.

My friends, I think I've made it painfully clear that I need help. I need accountability, since I've already proven what I'll do if left to my own devices. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if it was a one-time thing. But it's not. I've only got two planned events all week and the rest of the time is spent...wasting time. And that needs to change. As one of the go-getters in a movie I went to by myself (story for another time...) said, "What are you going to do with your one and only life?" Well I sure don't want "Faithful TV Viewer" to be the only label anywhere on my tombstone.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I feel ya, sista. Wellll, the good news is that next weekend we'll be super active in ST. LOUIS!!!!!!

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