Thursday, October 11, 2012


A collection of funny goings-on.

1. I was talking to my friend the other day about my failed attempt at running. (I think I made it 60 steps before deciding to turn it into a walk). Ever the encourager, she says "just try getting yourself to make it to the next stoplight next time." While a thoughtful suggestion, I deemed it near impossible since there aren't any stoplights within a 10 mile radius of my route...

2. My grandma used to refer to herself as "Aunt Carol" to one of her children because she didn't want people judging her for having 2 kids within a year of each other... I wonder if Mrs. Duggar has the same fear.

3. Today my mom was staring at our obese cat and admiring how easy her life is. I believe she ended her envy with something along the lines of "it's a shame it's not attractive to be as fat as Tubby." I couldn't agree more, especially since I'd like to have dessert for after every meal.

4. We got our cell phone bill in the mail today. Upon opening it, my mom asks, "Did you recently develop carpal tunnel?" Apparently I only sent 200 texts this month compared to her 900 and my sister's 1000. (She may have been referencing the one time I sent ~8000 texts in one month...don't ask me how I did it. I still don't know).

5. Should I be worried about that top blue line there...? I'm a little scared to even click the link.

6. I got this email today. I should probably send the money, right? I mean he didn't even have time to put in any periods, so it must be urgent.

Welp, l thought I had more gems than that, but it doesn't look like you'll be getting anymore today. For more entertainment, google image "smiley baby." You won't be sorry :)

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