Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Story I Promised You

You've probably forgotten about the story I said I'd tell you, but I haven't. So get excited. More excited.  Now you're ready.

My mom was telling my grandma and I about the festival she went to with my aunt and uncle this past weekend. I'll spare you the details (mostly because I don't remember any of them), but she finished with a story about an old woman and her cat. And now I'll retell it to you :)

There's an old woman (I think mom said in her 90s) who lives up by my aunt's parents. One day she and her husband went to the humane society and found a cat that she really liked. Unfortunately for her, her husband said no because they already had a cat. Well, sometime later, their 18-year-old cat died. Then shortly thereafter, her husband died, too. (I'm not sure of the exact timeline here but I think you can still follow the story). One day, she heard a cat crying at her back door. She gave him some food and then decided to let him come in. The cat looked just like the one she wanted from the shelter. And it turns out the cat showed up on her husband's birthday. So she named the cat Frankie after her late hubby. *Cue the awwwwww*

I thought that was so cute :) (despite the fact that I have sub-par story telling skills).

But it gets better!! This woman taught the cat tricks! He can shake, give high fives, shut the door after he comes inside, and PLAY THE PIANO! The little old lady will say "Frankie, play me a song" and he'll go over to the kiddie piano on the ground and hit a button that plays a song. If my mom's cat could do all that, maybe I'd enjoy her a little more. But the only trick she can do is eat so fast that she vomits it back up. I can't say I appreciate that one. She is pretty photogenic, though.

Who says these things aren't toys?

Night vision!

Is it time for dinner yet?

So. Tired.

Nope, they're not dead. They just reeeaaaaaallllly like catnip. 

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